Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Obama continues to narrow the gap

Obama continues to narrow the gap

WPSU-PRCN (2008-04-09) Little by little, Illinois Senator Barack Obama is catching up with New York Senator Hillary Clinton, with less than two weeks to go before Pennsylvania's April 22nd presidential primary, according to the latest Quinnipiac University Poll.

Now, according to Quinnipiac Polling Insitute Assistant Director Clay Richards, Clinton holds a six-point lead over Obama with 50% to Obama's 44%. There is a 2.7% margin for error. And that is a considerable change from the 16-point lead she held just two months ago.

Clay told Public Radio Capitol News, "What is significant is not just the three points from the week before, but that the trend has been continuing, where he is picking up voters, is continuing and it's a pattern that's almost classic in the erosion of Senator Clinton's support."

One issue that seems to be propelling Obama's candidacy is the economy. Richards says, "He is doing something to convince voters that he can better handle the economy, that is clear. 52 percent of the voters say the economy is the most important issue in this campaign. A week ago, 24 percent of voters said she was better able to handle the ecomony than Senator Obama -- that margin has now dropped to four points."

Governor Ed Rendell, who is a Clinton supporter, and a superdelegate, says the fact that she is still ahead in the polls, despite being outspent by Obama four-to-one, is significant. Ironically, the governor himself was called randomly and took part in the latest Quinnipiac survey. When asked if his own endorsement influenced how he felt about Clinton, he said "yes."

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I hope Barrak closes the gap and i hope he wins the presidency because i want him to win in the election.

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