McCain Camp: Obama’s Hypocritical
Senator John McCain argues that Senator Barack Obama talks the polite debate talk, but has yet to walk the walk.
Quite right: “John McCain is making the claim that Barack Obama seems unwilling to personally condemn the controversial remarks of supporters and prominent Democrats after Sen. Obama relied Tuesday on a campaign spokeswoman to criticize Democratic Sen. Jay Rockefeller for a slight against Sen. McCain.”
Here’s what Rockefeller said:
The original remarks were drawn from an interview Rockefeller had Monday with The Charleston Gazette, where he said McCain is too far removed from the repercussions of war to deal with them.
“McCain was a fighter pilot, who dropped laser-guided missiles from 35,000 feet. He was long gone when they hit,” Rockefeller told the newspaper, which published the article on the interview Tuesday.
“What happened when they [the missiles] get to the ground? He doesn’t know. You have to care about the lives of people. McCain never gets into those issues,” he is quoted saying.
What’s remarkable about what Rockefeller said isn’t that he tried to insult John McCain - that’s logical in American politics. What is remarkable is that Rockefeller didn’t just insult McCain, but every other fighter pilot the United States had, has and will have in the future.
And all that, at a time that many people are already arguing that the Democrats don’t have a whole lot of respect for the military.
Back to McCain vs. Obama: Obama supporters constantly insult his political opponents, and then a little while later, the Obama camp sends out some memo condemning whatever is the prominent supporter said this time. But seldom do we hear Obama, the person who pretends he is a reformer, do something about this kind of rhetoric, let alone condemn it in the strongest words.
And that is, I think, an important part of Obama’s character. He talks about reforming politics, and the tone of the debate, but he’s not a reformer. It’s as with his pastor, who said outrageous things for years, yet Obama only spoke out against it - more or less - when he was forced to do so by the media and public.
No, nothing new to see here.
I think people should stop talking smack on barrak and other canditates just because u suck dosent mean you have to bring other people down.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Obama continues to narrow the gap
Obama continues to narrow the gap
WPSU-PRCN (2008-04-09) Little by little, Illinois Senator Barack Obama is catching up with New York Senator Hillary Clinton, with less than two weeks to go before Pennsylvania's April 22nd presidential primary, according to the latest Quinnipiac University Poll.
Now, according to Quinnipiac Polling Insitute Assistant Director Clay Richards, Clinton holds a six-point lead over Obama with 50% to Obama's 44%. There is a 2.7% margin for error. And that is a considerable change from the 16-point lead she held just two months ago.
Clay told Public Radio Capitol News, "What is significant is not just the three points from the week before, but that the trend has been continuing, where he is picking up voters, is continuing and it's a pattern that's almost classic in the erosion of Senator Clinton's support."
One issue that seems to be propelling Obama's candidacy is the economy. Richards says, "He is doing something to convince voters that he can better handle the economy, that is clear. 52 percent of the voters say the economy is the most important issue in this campaign. A week ago, 24 percent of voters said she was better able to handle the ecomony than Senator Obama -- that margin has now dropped to four points."
Governor Ed Rendell, who is a Clinton supporter, and a superdelegate, says the fact that she is still ahead in the polls, despite being outspent by Obama four-to-one, is significant. Ironically, the governor himself was called randomly and took part in the latest Quinnipiac survey. When asked if his own endorsement influenced how he felt about Clinton, he said "yes."
© Copyright 2008, WPSU
I hope Barrak closes the gap and i hope he wins the presidency because i want him to win in the election.
WPSU-PRCN (2008-04-09) Little by little, Illinois Senator Barack Obama is catching up with New York Senator Hillary Clinton, with less than two weeks to go before Pennsylvania's April 22nd presidential primary, according to the latest Quinnipiac University Poll.
Now, according to Quinnipiac Polling Insitute Assistant Director Clay Richards, Clinton holds a six-point lead over Obama with 50% to Obama's 44%. There is a 2.7% margin for error. And that is a considerable change from the 16-point lead she held just two months ago.
Clay told Public Radio Capitol News, "What is significant is not just the three points from the week before, but that the trend has been continuing, where he is picking up voters, is continuing and it's a pattern that's almost classic in the erosion of Senator Clinton's support."
One issue that seems to be propelling Obama's candidacy is the economy. Richards says, "He is doing something to convince voters that he can better handle the economy, that is clear. 52 percent of the voters say the economy is the most important issue in this campaign. A week ago, 24 percent of voters said she was better able to handle the ecomony than Senator Obama -- that margin has now dropped to four points."
Governor Ed Rendell, who is a Clinton supporter, and a superdelegate, says the fact that she is still ahead in the polls, despite being outspent by Obama four-to-one, is significant. Ironically, the governor himself was called randomly and took part in the latest Quinnipiac survey. When asked if his own endorsement influenced how he felt about Clinton, he said "yes."
© Copyright 2008, WPSU
I hope Barrak closes the gap and i hope he wins the presidency because i want him to win in the election.
Obama appeals to Pa. voters on energy, health care
Obama appeals to Pa. voters on energy, health care
In one, the Illinois senator highlights the U.S. dependence on foreign oil and tells automakers that he won't allow them to block higher fuel standards for cars. In another, he talks up his plan for reforming the U.S. health care system and recounts how his mother was burdened by the system when she was dying of cancer.
One of the other ads features Obama's sister, grandmother and wife talking about the candidate's values, and the remaining one features Obama telling viewers that "it's with your voices that we're going to be able to make a difference."
Pennsylvania holds its primary on April 22. The state has been considered Clinton's to lose, although Obama has been gaining on her in some polls the closer it gets to the contest. In the latest average of polls compiled by RealClearPolitics, Clinton leads Obama 48.6% to 41.6%.
Clinton will be in-state on Wednesday, attending a town hall meeting in Aliquippa about making the military strong. She'll be joined by retired military officers and veterans.
On Thursday, she's scheduled to deliver the keynote address at the Allegheny County Democratic Committee's Jefferson/Jackson Dinner.
McCain hits Democrats on Iraq
As Clinton was set to speak about military matters on Wednesday and Obama highlighted economic issues in his ads, presumptive Republican nominee John McCain blasted both of his Democratic rivals over Iraq policy.
"Should the United States choose to withdraw from Iraq as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama wish to do, before adequate security is established, we will exchange for this victory a defeat that is terrible and long-lasting," McCain said in a press release, a day after the top U.S. military commander in Iraq gave lawmakers an update about the war.
Both Obama and Clinton voiced dissatisfaction with Iraq policy at a Senate hearing on Tuesday. End of Story
Robert Schroeder is a reporter for MarketWatch in Washington.
I want there to be healthcare in the country and i want the prices of oil to go down and as long as barrak can do it i am happy i dont care what he does as long as he gets it done im happy
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Huckabee signs 'No Amnesty' pledge
Huckabee signs 'No Amnesty' pledge
TIGERVILLE, S.C. – Gov. Mike Huckabee, the most vocal anti-illegal-immigration candidate of late, has now become the first in the field to sign the "No Amnesty" pledge from NumbersUSA, a self-proclaimed "immigration-reduction organization."
Huckabee signed the pledge Wednesday on the campus of North Greenville University, where he spoke to students at the Christian college. The pledge calls, in part, for no "amnesty or any other special path to citizenship for the millions of the foreign nationals unlawfully present in the United States.”
Through much of the campaign, other candidates, particularly Gov. Mitt Romney, called Huckabee weak on immigration, focusing on his support as governor for college scholarships for children of illegal immigrants in Arkansas.
"In all due respect, we are a better country than to punish children for what their parents did. We're a better country than that," Huckabee told Romney at the YouTube debate last November.
Huckabee has surely shifted the focus since then, such as earlier this week when he said that the government should put immigration on "hiatus" from countries "that sponsor terrorists."
On Wednesday, at an earlier stop in Travelers Rest – yes, that's the name of the town – Huckabee backed off that statement slightly, never mentioning the word "hiatus."
"I think we just need to do a more thorough job of insuring that when people come here and they come from nations that have been designated by the State Department as terrorist nations, that we are diligent in the background search," Huckabee said.
I think that the no amnesty act is wrong these people come here looking for a better life and they treat them horribly. I don't approve of people comming here illegally. At least give these people a chance to get their citizenship before you deport them.
TIGERVILLE, S.C. – Gov. Mike Huckabee, the most vocal anti-illegal-immigration candidate of late, has now become the first in the field to sign the "No Amnesty" pledge from NumbersUSA, a self-proclaimed "immigration-reduction organization."
Huckabee signed the pledge Wednesday on the campus of North Greenville University, where he spoke to students at the Christian college. The pledge calls, in part, for no "amnesty or any other special path to citizenship for the millions of the foreign nationals unlawfully present in the United States.”
Through much of the campaign, other candidates, particularly Gov. Mitt Romney, called Huckabee weak on immigration, focusing on his support as governor for college scholarships for children of illegal immigrants in Arkansas.
"In all due respect, we are a better country than to punish children for what their parents did. We're a better country than that," Huckabee told Romney at the YouTube debate last November.
Huckabee has surely shifted the focus since then, such as earlier this week when he said that the government should put immigration on "hiatus" from countries "that sponsor terrorists."
On Wednesday, at an earlier stop in Travelers Rest – yes, that's the name of the town – Huckabee backed off that statement slightly, never mentioning the word "hiatus."
"I think we just need to do a more thorough job of insuring that when people come here and they come from nations that have been designated by the State Department as terrorist nations, that we are diligent in the background search," Huckabee said.
I think that the no amnesty act is wrong these people come here looking for a better life and they treat them horribly. I don't approve of people comming here illegally. At least give these people a chance to get their citizenship before you deport them.
Edwards at Odds with Clinton and Obama Over Nuclear Power
Edwards at Odds with Clinton and Obama Over Nuclear Power
In Tuesday night’s Democratic presidential debate in Las Vegas, the three candidates—Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, and Barack Obama—clashed over the issue of nuclear power and what to do about Yucca Mountain, a national repository for nuclear waste that is opposed by many Nevada voters.
The dispute began when Clinton said that Edwards voted in support of the nuclear waste facility, while she had “consistently and persistently been against” it. She also claimed that one of Obama’s supporters—the Exelon Corporation—was involved in funding the project.
In response to Clinton’s remarks, Edwards implied that he had changed his decision based on new scientific information and forged documentation that had emerged regarding the waste dump. He added that, unlike Senator Obama and Senator Clinton, he is completely opposed to the building of more nuclear power plants—a point he so often makes when addressing voters on the campaign trail. Edwards said that Obama is “open to the possibility of additional power plants” and that Clinton has said she is “agnostic” on the subject.
Obama defended himself, saying that he has long been a critic of Yucca Mountain, yet added that the country should “create a menu of energy options” in handling the storage of nuclear waste and “see where the science and the technology and the entrepreneurship of the American people take us.”
The debate over nuclear power will undoubtedly influence Nevada voters, particularly those who are undecided, in the state’s caucuses on Saturday. Polls indicate that an overwhelming number of Nevadans, both Republicans and Democrats, strongly oppose federal plans to dump the nation’s nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain—and believe it to be a key issue in deciding which presidential candidate to caucus for.
I agree with Edwards even though it is hurting the environment we still have to put the waste some where.
Romney wins in Michigan

Romney wins in Michigan
Mitt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, has won the Republican primary in Michigan.
His win over John McCain not only gave his campaign for the US presidential nomination a big boost after runner-up finishes in Iowa and New Hampshire, it further threw open a Republican presidential race with no clear frontrunner.
Three different men have now won the first three significant Republicans contests: McCain in New Hampshire last week and Mike Hukabee, the former Arkansas governor, in Iowa on January 3.
Hukabee, who placed third in New Hampshire, came in third again on Tuesday.
the Democratic primary, Hillary Clinton won but a dispute over the date of the vote led the national party to strip the state of its delegates to the nominating convention later this year, in effect rendering Tuesday's vote of no consequence.
Instead, Clinton and rivals Barack Obama and John Edwards were set to square off in an evening debate in Nevada, where the party's next contest is on Saturday
It's not really a surprise that Romney won he was bound to win it since his dad was governor of Michigan.
Obama can win the race

Obama can win the race
Barack Obama is the first viable black American candidate for the presidency. He has the wit to realize that if he panders to "special interests" and is seen as the candidate of the blacks, he has no chance of succeeding; thus his efforts to reach a wide audience have seen him characterized as "not black enough".
Many of us are waiting to see whether Obama will add flesh in terms of policies to the brilliance of his oratory. But what cannot be denied is his huge intelligence. Last week in this magazine, Andrew Stephen suggested that "far from being the brilliant student . . . Obama was a consistently B-grade pupil", who ended up at a none-too-great liberal arts college before moving to Columbia University and then Harvard Law School. But this trajectory could not be achieved by a B-grade brain. Columbia is very competitive and places at Harvard Law School are highly prized.
Obama went on to become the first black president of the Harvard Law Review, the most prestigious of legal journals, which had been an exclusionary zone to women and blacks. He was the first black person to break the barrier.
Obama's political team has been criticised for allowing the media to interview his very elderly Kenyan "grandmother". Stephen wrote: "The only problem was that the woman in rural Kenya was not Obama's grandmother but the alleged foster mother of Obama's father." Obama has written about his father's foster mother, who was not his birth mother but was in every other respect his parent. It should not be presented as a manufactured relationship.
There have been suggestions that Obama's opposition to the war may be a recent invention since he was not able to vote in the Senate in 2002. But Obama was in the Illinois state legislature and, unlike Hillary Clinton, was highly vocal in his opposition to the war.
Nor is it true that there is little difference politically between the leading Democrats. There is an important difference. The only Democratic candidate who does not totally oppose "enhanced interrogation techniques" is Clinton. She has said there may be circumstances in which special methods of interrogation might be used on the authorisation of the president. Such a position is an assault on the absolute prohibition on torture. Politicians who betray their ideals to secure power rarely recover those ideals once in office.
Obama is now being patronised as a "kid" and a purveyor of "fairy tales" by Bill Clinton. These insults echo a past in which black people in America were not dignified with adulthood but were referred to as "boys".
I think Obama can win the race after the way he has been campaigning and how his the gained the popularity of people.
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